Ellis has been providing life-saving care to our community for 138 years. Rest assured, we will serve our friends, families and neighbors for future generations - through every stage, at every age, Ellis will be here.

The Impact on Ellis

Dorothea F. Godfrey Endowment for Cardiac Care
Dorothea Godfrey was a forward-thinking benefactor who wanted to be sure that future generations have access to the best cardiac treatment close to home. Dorothea made arrangements to include a gift to Ellis in her estate to create fund to support cardiac care in perpetuity. The original principle of Dorothea’s gift is invested and only the income it generates annually is used to support cardiac care. Recently, Dorothea’s gift helped to update the Cardiac Catheterization (Cath) Labs at Ellis Hospital, a lifesaving program to prevent and/or treat heart attacks. Every patient in need of cardiac treatment at Ellis will be impacted by Dorothea’s generosity and thoughtful planning.

Norma and Don Gordon Infusion Therapy
Norma and Don Gordon loved their community and ensuring access to exceptional healthcare for all was important to them. The Gordons advocated for Ellis throughout their lifetime with investments in surgical, cardiac, and critical care, and emergency services, and chose to make a final gift by including Ellis in their estate plans. Norma and Don’s thoughtful planning and legacy gift helped to construct and furnish the new Medical Oncology program providing a welcoming and state-of-the-art suite for patients battling cancer. Norma and Don’s legacy is recognized in the oncology infusion therapy space

The Living Room at the State Street Health Center
The Living Room offers a comfortable and safe space, within a healthcare setting for individuals in crisis who need a place to calm their stress and anxiety without the medical attention of an Emergency Department. CDPHP has generously contributed funds to support this program ensuring it remains an asset to our community.

Ellis Work Force Advanced Nursing Education Program
Nursing is core to everything we do at Ellis Medicine. Ellis has made a substantial commitment to our nursing staff by providing funding to cover the cost of tuition and fees that may be a barrier to pursing an advanced degree. Since 2018, more than 60 Ellis nurses have invested in their future through the pursuit of an advanced degree (BSN, MSN and PhD) thanks to the generosity of donors, including Stewart’s Shops and the Dake family. Research shows that care provided by nurses with advanced degrees brings multiple benefits including better patient outcomes. Ellis supports the state and national goals that 80% of nurses hold an advanced degree.
In 2021, with support from other community partners, Ellis expanded the program to provide funding for techs and other staff to pursue an RN degree, which will further enhance our workforce and grow the next generation of highly-skilled nurses.

To learn more
For more information about supporting any of these initiatives, please contact the Foundation for Ellis Medicine at ellisfoundation@ellismedicine.org or 518.243.4600